Product, visual & service design often adheres to enduring principles. Evolving values have shifted consumer expectations. Functionality is paramount, with products prioritizing utility, simplicity & transparency. Regardless of technology, the primary goal should be to enhance human experience. 


I am a designer (EASD Zamora) based in Madrid with a profound interest in technology and typography (I.E.D. Master Degree), specializing in visual communication & product design. I pursued a Degree in Civil Engineering before transitioning to the design field.

Professionally, my objective is to combine the experience on digital design and background on technology consultancy to solve problems, tell stories and create compelling brand experiences and unique and special digital products. We need to discuss the world to build design. People, their dreams and difficulties.

Several experience as a typography teacher or speaker on Design Events and Schools such as Serifalaris, Lletraferits, IED, Art schools of Granada and Seville among others.

My academic career includes Graphic Design, Film & Post-Production Master - (CICE Madrid), UX Digital Research, Digital Product Design (Lean UX), Data visualization & Information design, Design Sprints, Type Design (I.E.D), Holistic Design Strategy.

Workshops & lectures

Serifalaris. Lecture & Workshop. Bilbao

EA de Granada. Type design

Escuela de Arte de Sevilla. Conference

Leticia Zarza Art Gallery. Madrid

Un Gato en Bicicleta. Workshop. Sevilla

I do Project. Workshop. Sevilla

Trazos / Erretres Master. Typography

Istituto Europeo di Design. Workshop

TypeTalk. Studio Banana, Madrid

Vasava Bcn. 36 days of type

Sevilla Design Walk. Typography

Universidad de Sevilla. Lecture

Font Family. IndexBook

Happy Wednesday London. Free Zine packed

Evasée. Shangay and Spain Graphic design

Matadero. TypoMad Fest

Matadero. I.E.D Typography

Lab Sevilla Workshop. Sevilla

Works for

Museo Thyssen, UCM, Ricoh Europe, Moncloa.gob, Yorokobu, SM Editorial, Pernod Ricard, Seagram ́s Gin, Yondbee, Wilkinson Italia, IED Madrid, Javier Martín Galán, TourSpain, Mustang, Levis, Francesc Ribot, Loewe, Espacio36 Art Gallery, Ybernia Editorial, NextDoor Publishers Bcn, Grupo Banco Popular, Ministry of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Economy, Turing Challenge Madrid, Wendy & Rita Bcn ...

Conference at Serifalaris - Getxo, Spain

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