IE Design Matters

IE Design Matters

IE Design Matters

IE Design Matters

IE Design Matters


Interactive platform that explores contemporary design through examples, questions, keyword definitions, and quotes, all set in a visually stunning environment. Used as a metaphor for the design world.
Agency: Yondbee.

Interactive platform that explores contemporary design through examples, questions, keyword definitions, and quotes, all set in a visually stunning environment. Used as a metaphor for the design world.
Agency: Yondbee.

Interactive platform that explores contemporary design through examples, questions, keyword definitions, and quotes, all set in a visually stunning environment. Used as a metaphor for the design world.
Agency: Yondbee.

Interactive platform that explores contemporary design through examples, questions, keyword definitions, and quotes, all set in a visually stunning environment. Used as a metaphor for the design world.
Agency: Yondbee.

Interactive platform that explores contemporary design through examples, questions, keyword definitions, and quotes, all set in a visually stunning environment. Used as a metaphor for the design world.
Agency: Yondbee.


Concepto inicial

First concept

First Concept

First Concept

First concept

A fluid, amorphous representation (like a tag cloud) containing the experience's content. Interacting with one element causes all content to expand as dots on a spectrum of light and color.

A fluid, amorphous representation (like a tag cloud) containing the experience's content. Interacting with one element causes all content to expand as dots on a spectrum of light and color.

A fluid, amorphous representation (like a tag cloud) containing the experience's content. Interacting with one element causes all content to expand as dots on a spectrum of light and color.


Este plano de color funcionaría a modo de cartografía imaginaria de los diferentes contenidos de la experiencia.


Producto digital

Digital product

En todo momento se hace énfasis en el universo del diseño como universo híbrido, líquido, dificilmente divisible en categorías (UX, Product Design, Digital Design, etc).


El producto digital final se asemeja a una aplicación web. Con una categorización sencilla y una presencia visual importante en base a imagenes relaccionadas, se crea un producto ad hoc, dónde los detalles que incitan a nevegar se hacen protagonistas, dando lugar a una experiencia sencilla con objetivo de una información clara y concisa.

Distintas partes del unicio de la aplicación, lanzadera hacia las distintas categorías principales de las áreas de diseño programadas dichos estudios de IE.
